You Pro Clima Project: Rising Sea Levels: Impact and Actions

Rising sea levels aren’t just a coastal issue; they can affect everyone.

Key Impacts:

  • Displacement: Coastal damages can force relocations, worsening urban overpopulation.
  • Freshwater Contamination: Saltwater can intrude into drinking water supplies.
  • Agricultural Threats: Salinization reduces crop yields, threatening food security.
  • Biodiversity Loss: Coastal habitats and wildlife are at risk.

Actions Youth Can Take:

  • Support Coastal Restoration: Contribute to projects protecting coastal areas.
  • Reduce Carbon Footprint: Use eco-friendly transportation.
  • Join Cleanups: Help maintain clean coastal environments.
  • Spread Awareness: Educate others about sea level rise.

Taking action now can help protect our future and our coasts.