
Social entrepreneurship labs for women NEETs in a post-COVID era

Project Details

Project Name: WeNEETlabs. Social entrepreneurship labs for women NEETs in a post-COVID era
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth
Project ID: 2022-1-NO02-KA220-YOU-000088071
Website: https://weneetlabs.eu
Social media: Coming soon
Duration: 01/11/2022 to 31/10/2024
Topics: Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity, Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship, Strengthening the employability of young people.

Project Description

WeNEETlabs is indented to directly address the digital transformation in the post-COVID-19 era, by focusing on social entrepreneurship for young NEET women during the pandemic. The project will focus on three elements: methodologizing, educating, and pairing. The endgoal of WeNEETlabs is to address digital transformation by developing the capacity for young people, especially young NEET women, through the use of digital education content and services aiming to upskill them in the context of social entrepreneurship in the partner countries.

Project consortium

Project Coordinator:
Oslo International Hub AS – Oslo


  • Exeo Lab Srl – Italy
  • The Hub Nicosia Ltd – Cyprus
  • The Square Dot team – Belgium

Project Results

WP1 – Project Management

WP2 – WeNEETlabs Methodology

WP3 – WeNEETlabs Implementation

WP4 – WeNEETlabs Piloting

WP5 – WeNEETlabs Dissemination and Exploitation


The WeNEETlabs project seeks to tackle social exclusion and unemployment of young NEETs, especially women, through key competences development like entrepreneurship and digital literacy in the context of social entrepreneurship labs to
bolster the employability of young European women aged 18-30. WeNEETlabs will offer youth trainers practical methods to approach SE with young NEETs, a digital game to upskill them, and an employment portal to pair young NEETs with social entrepreneurs. All the activities will deliver a comprehensive approach in empowering NEET women and youth worker in the area of social entrepreneurship in the post-COVID-19 era.

Our Role

The Square Dot Team is the leader of WP2. As the leading partner Square Dot Team will be responsible for creating the We NEETlabs pedagogical methodology. The activities carried out under WP2 will successfully provide inputs on the constraints, limits and gaps of the target groups, understanding of social entrepreneurship, digital literacy and the labour market, which in turn partners will analyse to generate recommendations and proposals on relevant practical tools and solutions for youth workers for social
entrepreneurship education with young NEETs, as well as critical attributes that employers look for in similar jobs platforms.