VAE international
Validation of acquired skills and experiences International (VAE INT)

Project Details
Project Name: VAE International
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport
Project ID: KA220-VET-476740BB
Duration: From 01-11-2021 to 31-3-2024
Topics: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Description
With this project, the Partners intend to validate a method for carrying out VAE (Validation of acquired skills and experiences) courses leading to certification or an attestation or a diploma. The individual free choice to participate in a VAE process, allows the user to avoid traditional education and training courses. The VAE is a “new chance” allowing each user to regain self-confidence by identifying and valuing acquired capacities which are identified by a certification or a diploma or an attestation. It is obvious that the one who implements an individual course of VAE, can propose himself in the job market as the right person in the right job post, following the results of their VAE. Giving a “new chance” to the target groups to which the project is addressed is an innovation itself.
Project consortium
Coordinating Partner:
Gip Formation Et Insertion Professionnelle De L’academie De Nice (FR)
- The Square Dot Team (BE)
- Exeo Lab Srl (IT)
- Synthesis Center For Research And Education Limited (CY)
Project results
PR1: Regulatory Analysis
PR2: Quality charter
PR3: Digital platform
PR4: VAE Experimentation
European countries have been affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. Their economies have suffered a slowdown that has affected the employment level of the workforce. The proposal aims to promote labor mobility by experimenting with a tool that has been used for some time in France. This is the V.A.E. Validation of Acquired and Experience (validation of acquired skills and experience).
The VAE allows people to obtain a diploma which has the same value as the one obtained at school, in vocational training or with an apprenticeship. V.A.E. certification can be a diploma or a professional title, issued by a higher education institution or a training organisation.
Our Role
The Square Dot Team is leading the development of the digital platform. The objective of the platform is to better disseminate this experiment and allow partners to communicate during the different phases of the project.
The collaborative platform of the project will offer:
- the project deliverables in the different languages of the partnership
- access to information for Tutor and candidates
- access to research and analyses, quality charter carried out in the project framework
- contacts
- social media link
- access to
- presentation of the project and partners