An innovative approach to support VET teachers/trainers through the digital transformation of VET education

Project Details
Project Name: RESTART VET: An innovative approach to support VET teachers/trainers through the digital transformation of VET education
Programme: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Priority: Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
Project ID: 2020-1-BE02-KA226-VET-083119
Duration: 01/03/2021 – 28/03/2023
Topics: Vocational education and training, digital education

Project Description
The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has radically changed our lifestyle. COVID-19 seems to be introducing changes in the employment reality that will last. RESTART VET proposal attempts to find out the e-readiness of VET teachers for transition to online learning along with their views on this mode of learning transaction. Such a situation necessitated VET teachers to acquaint themselves with online learning tools and skills. Based on this, access to different resources is needed as well as a significant and accelerated digital transformation that will support and assist vocational teachers to deal with the new work situations. The ultimate goal of RESTART VET is to encourage a ‘digitalized centered’ approach, also considering a human-based needs model of vocational education area, as it is considered as vital to know the VET teachers readiness and views about their online learning experience.
Project consortium
Coordinating Partner:
The Square Dot Team (Belgium)
- Paydas Egitim Kultur Ve Sanat Dernegi (Turkey)
- Exeo Lab Srl (Italy)
- Verslumo institutas (Lithuania)
- Cuiablue Ltd (UK)
- Synthesis Center For Research And Education Limited (Cyprus)
- Projects For Europe Pfe (Belgium)
- Innovation Hive (Greece)
Intellectual Outputs
IO1: A digital competence map describing the profile of VET teachers and trainers on digital skills
IO2: Training curriculum for VET teachers and trainers on eLearning methods and provided digital techniques
As an overall result, RESTART VET will contribute with an innovative approach to encourage the development of digital skills of VET teachers in times of pandemic and provide useful guidelines, methods and tools for both supporting them with digitally tech-based pedagogical approaches for educational programs and activities and also playing an active role to conserving positive well-being and emotions.
Our Role
The Square Dot Team is the Project Coordinator for the Restart VET Project. In addition, SDT is leading the project on intellectual output 1, a digital competence map describing the profile of VET teachers and trainers on digital skills