Improving and extending the supply of high-quality learning opportunities for adults

Project Details
Project Name: (RE)BUILD – Improving and extending the supply of high-quality learning opportunities for adults
Programme: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
Priority: Adult Education
Project ID: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080458
Duration: 24 months
Website: http://re-build-project.eu/
Topics: Education & Training, inculsive labor market, vocational education & training

Project Description
The (RE)BUILD project aims to provide the resources to help marginalised adults coping with professional transitions or career readjustments, in order to facilitate the understanding of the labour market through the development of career management skills that enable adults with fewer opportunities to explore and plan their own career strategy.
Based on the assumption that career development is a lifelong experience, (RE)BUILD project intends to provide innovative learning experiences that promote practical intelligence for adults with fewer opportunities to deal with their personal expectations, and to acquire personal flexibility for decision-making and exploration of career opportunities, while also helping VET professionals and adult educators to better intervene in career guidance and management programmes with low-skilled and marginalised adults .
The main target-groups are: (1) Marginalised adults and/or low-skilled adults; (2) VET professionals, tutors, adult educators, social workers and other professionals in the field of adult education.
Project consortium
Coordinating Partner:
Comite De Bassin D’ Emploi Du Sud Luberon (Cbe Sl) (France)
- Rightchallenge (RC) (Portugal)
- Spectrum Research Centre (SRC) (Ireland)
- Drustvo Za Razvijanje Prostovolinega Dela Novo Mesto (DRPDNM) (Slovenia)
- The Square Dot Team (Belgium)
- Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) (Greece)
Intellectual Outputs
IO1: Career Management Toolkit of Resources
IO2: In-Service Training Programme on Career Guidance
IO3: E-learning Portal
IO4: Policy Paper
For our target group of low skilled and/or adults who face marginalisation issues, they will: Act as local, regional and national ambassadors of the project; – Develop their career management skills, which can be easily transferred to other areas of life; -Acquire a sense of decision-making and ownership of their own professional decisions; -Develop a sense of self-awareness and motivation to engage in lifelong-learning; -Connect with other members of the target audience, stakeholders and event employers in the proposed multiplier events.
For target group of VET professionals, adult educators and other specialists in the adult education, they will: Act as local, regional and national ambassadors of the project; -Improve their knowledge, skills and competences in the field of adult education and career guidance with low-skilled adults; -Better understand the main adult education, career guidance and labour market trends, in order to better implement tailor-made solutions to adults who face marginalisation issues; -Be recognised as local experts in career management intervention with adults in marginalisation issues; -Be part of a transnational network of professionals which provide innovative solutions for career education, management and guidance with low-skilled adults.
Our Role
The Square Dot Team is leading the following outputs:
• Develop and manage the (RE)BUILD dissemination strategy
• Create and manage the (RE)BUILD Facebook Page
• Social media monitoring
• Contribute media-rich curricula for the Career Management Toolkit
• Host training and project seminar events in Belgium