New Hera
Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Details
Project Name: New Hera
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: VET: Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training
Project ID: KA220-VET-D5E09A23
Duration: From 01-11-2021 to 31-03-2024
Website: Coming soon
Topics: Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Description
The New Hera project is born in the middle of a global crisis that has strongly highlighted the need to improve the digital and pedagogical competencies of educators. The NEW HERA project aims to enhance and upskill the VET trainers and teacher’s competencies to better assess and communicate with their students through the existing e-learning platforms, transforming the face-to-face training schemes into high-quality online VET curricula.
The NEW HERA project concrete objectives are:
- Improve the knowledge of VET teachers and trainers in the curricula planning, assessment methods, content mediatization and design, of their training plans in the online mode.
- Improve the quality standards and effectiveness of the VET online plans and courses.
- Enrich the learning experience of VET trainees and students offering them attractive content, real assessments, and real-life experiences in their online training curricula.
- Improve the VET organisation’s management providing them tools for a better internal organisation and resources management.
Project consortium
Coordinating Partner:
Gip Formation Et Insertion Professionnelle De L’academie De Nice (FR)
- The Square Dot Team (BE)
- Exeo Lab Srl (IT)
- Synthesis Center For Research And Education Limited (CY)
Project results
PR1: Pedagogical tools and training courses comparative evaluation
PR2: Pedagogical Online Toolkit
PR3: Quality Handbook
PR4: Common Practical experiences
PR5: E-twinning network
NEW HERA project aims to have an extended impact on the project participants, organisations, and targets groups. The first target group, VET trainers and teachers will gain confidence working on the online learning modality. For students, the increase of the VET learning program’s quality will have a real impact on their learning and training processes. Project partner VET organisations will increase their capacity in their VET courses planning and, in general, in their training and learning activities
Our Role
The Square Dot Team is leading the Online Pedagogical Toolkit for VET teachers and trainers.
The pedagogical online toolkit is an online platform gathering the necessary resources for the project beneficiaries to support them in improving the quality of their e-learning plans, contents, and assessment procedures. The thematic areas of the toolkit reproduce the comparative analysis structure:
- Learning strategies and methods
- Assessment and evaluation tools and methods
- Communication and collaboration tools
- Design, mediatization and content management tools
- Tools for monitoring learners and managing training