Green Deal and CE related upskilling entrepreneurship training based on flipped and peer-to-peer learning methodology for youth and youth workers

Project Details
Project Name: Green Deal and CE related upskilling entrepreneurship training based on flipped and peer-to-peer learning methodology for youth and youth workers
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth
Project ID: 2022-1-LT02-KA220-YOU-000086646
Social media: Facebook – Instagram
Duration: 01/12/2022 to 30/11/2024
Topics: Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship, Environment and fight against climate change, Strengthening the employability of young people.

Project Description
GREEN-UP project covers the priority of promoting entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship among young people by creating outcomes which educate young people about the mechanics and possibilities of green entrepreneurship as a career choice. A young person with entrepreneurial skills has better employability skill and an advantage to the workforce, the community and the country’s economy. Thus, “GREEN-UP”project also covers the priority of strengthening the employability of young people. Finally, it addresses the priority of environment and fight against climate change by empowering young people to understand and fight global environmental issues.
Project consortium
Project Coordinator:
Verslumo institutas – Lithuania
- The Square Dot team – Belgium
- Connectus M.IKE – Greece
- Exeo Lab Srl – Italy
- Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor – Slovenia
Project Results
WP1 – Project Management
WP2 – Analysis of youth competences and green business eco-systems
WP3 – Development of “GREEN-UP” e-platform
WP4 – Creation of digital micro-training modules boosting entrepreneurship in a framework of CE and Green Deal
The GREEN-UP project will change the way young people participate in the debate on climate and climate change environment, raising their awareness and their energy. Through the facilitation and active participation of every YOUTH member can make their voice heard and be represented, also having the opportunity to understand more about the EU Green Deal strategy and the various actions that Europe will implement to build a better future society. The implementation of the flipped-learning – peer to pear e-learning platform will thus encourage transnational comparison between young people communities. At local/regional level the project will have an impact through empowering young people and taking action to achieve objectives of the Green Deal by encouraging them to express their opinion to decision-makers by participating in debates and discussions, increasing general understanding of the EU Green Deal by encouraging critical thinking, information analysis, expression and the development of a better understanding of the EU Green Deal opinions, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, enhancing general participation in the life of the community.
Our Role
SDT due to its experience with non-formal learning materials will participate on modules development under WP3 in order to create supportive, responsive, and collaborative digital working environment and ensure a coherent peer-to-peer learning with support of youth workers. “GREEN UP” learning materials are essential as they will be a primary tool for building transnational links between young people and youth workers from all partner countries.