ePortfolio Migrants
Supporting migrants in acquiring soft skills to develop employability and entrepreurship
Project Details
Project Name: ePortfolio Migrants
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Project ID: KA220-ADU-FEEC4925
Duration: From 1-2-2022
to 30-7-2024
Website: www.eportfoliomigrants.eu
Topics: Adult education, Social Inclusion, Labour market, integration
Project Description
E-Portfolio Migrants aims to increase the opportunities for migrants, their soft skills and to contribute to labor market integration and to the development of entrepreneurship. Promoting uptake of further local education programmes by raising awareness, increasing migrants self-agency and self-reliance to navigate life and enhancing social, economic and cultural inclusion are the main goals of this project.
Project consortium
Coordinating Partner:
European Professionals Network (Belgium)
- Gestión Estratégica e Innovación SL (Spain)
- Learning for Integration ry (Finland)
- Einurð (Iceland)
- Exeo Lab (Italy)
- The Square Dot team (Belgium)
Project Results
PR1: Portfolio for Mentors
PR2: Portfolio for migrants
PR3: Self-assessment tool for soft skills
PR4: ePortfolio platform
PR5: ePortfolio Community of Practice
ePortfolio for migrants will create one comprehensive application that provides an interactive and flexible soft skills curriculum for migrants, coupled with a self-assessment tool to identify areas for improvement and monitor progress. It also will provide digital, innovating materials for trainers and mentors to develop soft skills at the encounter or different socio-economic and cultural contexts. This will help authorities, job centres, employment agencies, tackling integration of migrants in the labour market and upskilling of workforce, making it able to respond to the needs of a rapidly changing labour market.
Our Role
The Square Dot Team is leading the Portfolio for Mentors result that will provide a set of interactive and adaptable teaching materials on soft skills for migrants and be involved in all other project results. Moreover, the Square Dot Team is supporting the ePortfolio self-assessment tool with the development of educational resources, validation of informal learning and development of curriculums and training modules.