FeminICT project

?️New #project alert!
? How is it possible to achieve a more feminine and gender equal ICT business ecosystem?

This is the focus of the new FEMIN-ICT project, developed to provide support and training to:
? women who want to enter this sector
? management executives, legal and HR departments of ICT companies
? ICT entrepreneurs
? policy makers of municipalities and prefectures

? Our aim is to promote equal participation, representation and treatment of women in ICT! How ❓
Creating a favorable environment which embraces gender equality measures and offers services that respond to women needs
to encourage more women to pursue ICT-related careers.

➡️ FEMIN-ICT project strives to make gender equality a reality!
❗️ to achieve real visibility and empowerment of women in the ICT sector and in the digital economy
❗️ to favour economic growth and greater social progress

#FEMINICT #erasmusplus #euproject #ICTskills #womeninICT #ICTentrepreneurs #policymakers #europeanprojectmanagement