???Do you know why creativity and critical thinking skills are not promoted in a systematic way in education systems?
?According to OECD’s publication “Teaching, assessing and learning creative and critical thinking skills in primary and secondary education”, education systems have rarely established ways to assess this sort of skills formally. Another related reason is that it is not clear how these skills can be tangibly articulated by teachers, students and policy makers, especially as part of the curriculum.
?It was a pleasure to join the Learning Activity and Training for creative professionals and teachers from the 27th of June until the 1st of July within the framework of the Creatives Academy project at Open University Subotica, Serbia! A beautiful bunch of passionate and hard-working people with a shared goal: to support and encourage students in the Creative & Cultural Sector.
?️?To find out more about Creatives Academy, visit the project’s website: https://ca-project.org/