CHERISHED Website is live! Learn more about the best use of digital cultural heritage in the classroom

There is no doubt that the COVID pandemic has had a devastating impact on cultural institutions. It has however also led to immense innovation in the cultural sector. New forms of engaging with cultural heritage online have emerged, like virtual museum tours, digitalized collections etc.
Even after the end of the pandemic, digital heritage is likely to become more important and more widespread over time. Increasingly, individuals, organisations and communities are using digital technologies to document and express what they value and what they want to pass on to future generations.
This will also be a huge chance for teaching and learning in schools: They are not limited to locally available cultural heritage resources anymore and have much more material available to incorporate into the curriculum. But how best to do that? CHERISHED aims to bridge this gap and support schools and teachers in the best use of digital cultural heritage in the classroom.
The projects website is now live. Find it here and ready more about this interesting topic, stay up to date on our project progress and learn about the great partners involved!

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