Introducing the YOUproCLIMA Project

The primary objective of the YOUproCLIMA Project is to empower, connect, and engage young people from peripheral territories as active practitioners/change-makers in climate protection. We aim to transition from mere awareness to active involvement. By fostering this shift, we seek to enhance young people’s capacities, self-confidence, and opportunities to combat climate change within their communities through concrete local initiatives and bottom-up advocacy actions. This endeavor will be conducted in connection and dialogue with other European peripheral communities.

The Square Dot Team brings its expertise in educational and environment-related projects, along with robust communication and dissemination skills, to this project. We will lead the Communication and Dissemination Coordination in WP1 and co-lead WP4. Our focus will include video storytelling, social media engagement, final dissemination events, and hosting the final partner meeting in Brussels, among other activities.


Stay tuned for updates and learn more about the YOUproCLIMA project by visiting our social media pages:

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