VALUEBOX-3rd Newsletter

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the 3rd Newsletter for the VALUEBOX project! 🚀
VALUEBOX is empowering educational staff to foster inclusive education and promote European values in secondary schools. As part of our mission, we provide: 🔹 Competence Framework for Teachers (COFT) 🔹 Gamified Self-Assessment & Recommendation Tool (SERT) 🔹 Gamified Open Online Course (OOC) for Teachers 🎮
By embracing innovative tools like gamification, we’re helping educators build high-quality education that supports the integration and well-being of all students, while nurturing a cohesive European society.
📚 Join the movement for a more inclusive, integrated Europe!
👉 Read the full newsletter and discover how VALUEBOX is shaping the future of education. hashtagVALUEBOX hashtagInclusiveEducation EuropeanValues Gamification Teachers EuropeanEducationArea